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Certification courses

The Institute of Integrative Psychosomatics offers distance learning.

After one year of training (110 hours), a written exam, a clinical observation internship and the defense of a thesis, the title of integrative psychosomatist is delivered.

At the end of the program, candidates have the opportunity to continue their training as an integrative psychosomatic therapist through a two-year training program - one seminar per month - and the presentation of two clinical cases.

This training is referenced by the Datadock organization (ministerial reference organization) which allows candidates to have their training costs financed by their OPCA whether they are employed, unemployed or individual entrepreneurs.


1. Acquisitions of Fundamental Knowledge: Integrative Psychosomatician

Accessible: on title for general practitioners or specialists, medical students (interns), psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists.

On file with a minimum of Bac + 3 or equivalent professional experience.

The training lasts one year from October to July, which is the equivalent of 110 hours of classes, with pedagogical supervision by the teachers. 

Personal psychotherapeutic work, initiated or completed, is strongly recommended to understand the nature of psychic functioning.

The practical training can take place in the company, in the hospital, in the care center, the association or the establishment of function of the trainee or in the office of the practitioner (doctor, psychotherapist, ...).

The courses are given at a distance by videoconference, and by two-hour clinical workshops; they are done at a distance because the majority of the students live in France, in neighboring European countries and in the Mediterranean countries.


To obtain the first diploma of integrative psychosomatics: this diploma validates the knowledge acquired during the year of teaching.

The exam is based on an examination in which a clinical case is proposed for theoretical and clinical elaboration to test the knowledge acquired during the year, and on the writing of a dissertation which is defended before a jury in September of the academic year, three months after the end of the course. 


This job is level 1 on the scale according to the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Training; it allows to determine the level of evaluation of the psychosomatic risk of the patient, the diagnosis, the direction of the treatment if necessary and the possible recommendation of a follow-up by an integrative psychosomatic therapist, in connection with the treating physician(s).

2. The profession of integrative psychosomatic therapist

At the end of the diploma of integrative psychosomatic therapist delivered by the Institute of integrative psychosomatic training, Ecole de la Pitié-Salpétrière, it is proposed to obtain the title of psychosomatic therapist after two years of training - at the rate of a monthly seminar of 2 hours - over 10 months, that is to say 40 hours, to which it is necessary to add the drafting and the presentation of a clinical case during these two years

These seminars are directed, for the moment, by Pr. Jean Benjamin Stora. The supervisors: Jean Benjamin Stora, Stéphane Flamant, Michael Stora, Benoit Depreux, Danièle Ruffet and Ginane Chauchet can provide individual supervision. The main themes of the seminars are the interpretation techniques of the clinical approach to psychic processes and forms of pathologies, counter-transference techniques and listening to somatic patients. All seminars are focused on the knowledge of the psychosomatic therapy technique, i.e. psychic functioning in its relation to the central nervous system and the whole of the somatic functions.


These two years, in addition to the first year of theoretical training, aim to reinforce - through the in-depth analysis of clinical cases of their patients - the understanding of the developmental process of the psychic system, to repair the links between mental representations, affects and behaviors, and to identify the functioning of the unconscious as well as the particular listening of somatic patients by the psychosomatician in order to better accompany their patients, to share tools or techniques of accompaniment between peers, and to engage in a process of development and continuous training.



The candidates will have to - in addition to the development of a professional practice - present during the three years of seminars and supervision 4 clinical cases of their patients in treatment by describing in a theoretical and clinical way the psychic functioning of their somatic patients by linking it to somatizations. 

It will address the understanding of the archaic and pregenital phases of the psychic system, with emphasis on helping patients to gradually establish a psychic system and a defense system. The appearance of associative chains, dreams and mental representations linked to emotions and behaviors will demonstrate the progress of psychosomatic psychotherapy, with the gradual disappearance or weakening of somatic pathologies. It is also important to present the medical records of the patients and to try to link a certain neuronal functioning with the help of the discipline of Neuroscience. 

At the end of these three years, i.e., one year of theoretical training and two years of clinical and theoretical training, the candidates will have to present before a jury the course of psychosomatic therapy of a patient in order to demonstrate their ability to care for somatic patients.


In addition to this pathway for obtaining the title of psychosomatic therapist, it is important to establish the conditions for obtaining the title of supervisor-trainer

3. The title of supervisor-trainer

Supervision is an interactive process that allows the psychosomatic therapist to confirm his or her therapeutic abilities to understand the unconscious of somatic patients and his or her abilities to transmit psychosomatic therapy. The supervisor-trainer is there to enlighten, to better manage a situation, to broaden the therapist's vision.

The supervisor-trainer) allows the therapist to question himself on the knowledge of his own unconscious by referring him to his self-analysis in order to better develop his therapeutic capacities. It also helps him/her to better live emotionally and intellectually complex situations within the framework of his/her counter-transferential relationships.

The supervisor-trainer's main mission is to monitor the abilities of clinical investigation, establishment of an integrative psychosomatic diagnosis, development of a therapeutic strategy, and its application.

It is important to question also the therapeutic work itself: to establish links between mental representations, emotions and behaviors; to try to develop an insufficient or defective psychic system; to analyze the defenses of narcissistic type; to integrate narcissism in the future genital bundle.

To verify the capacity to fulfill a maternal role in the relationship with the patients. To verify that the interpretative system is not intellectual and especially to verify if the therapist is not at a distance from the patients without emotional support, without playing the role of exciters.

It is important to ensure that professional practices are consistent with quality and adherence to the profession's code of ethics.


Candidates for the title of Supervisor-Trainer must have demonstrated a professional practice as a psychosomatic therapist with a minimum of five years of experience and approximately 5 somatic patients in treatment in the field of integrative psychosomatic therapy.

The supervisor-trainer participates in regular meetings for pedagogical, theoretical and clinical exchanges with his or her colleagues in the supervision group.

He or she has a perfect knowledge of the metamodel of integrative psychosomatics referring to the theory of systems: the theory of the 5 systems (J.B.Stora) which underlies the need to approach, for the establishment of the diagnosis and the therapeutic care, the somatic patients in their biological, neuronal, psychological and socio-economic dimensions.

He or she adheres to the code of ethics of the profession.


To obtain the title of supervisor :

He or she must have supervised therapists over a period of three years.

The title of Supervisor-Trainer is awarded by the Supervisor-Trainer Committee to which the candidate will present his/her professional approach to working with somatic patients. 

The Supervisor-Trainer Committee will sign the credentialing document. 

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