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History of SPI

Professor Jean Benjamin STORA is a Psychoanalyst (alumnus of the Institut de Psychanalyse de la Société Psychanalytique de Paris), and a Psychosomatician (alumnus of the Institut de Psychosomatique, IPSO Pierre Marty).

His professional psychoanalytical practice began in 1973, and his teaching in 1960, at HEC where he is Honorary Dean of the Faculty, at ENA, at Paris 8 in Clinical Psychopathology and at the Faculty of Medicine of the Pitié-Salpêtrière from 2005 to 2015 where he created the University Diploma of Integrative Psychosomatics.

He founded the "Ecole Psychosomatique de la Pitié-Salpêtrière", as well as the Institut de Psychosomatique Intégrative (May 2015). Institutions attached to the Society of Integrative Psychosomatics (SPI).


He chaired the Institute of Psychosomatics "Pierre Marty" from 1989 to 1992 and the French Society of Psychosomatic Medicine from 2000 to 2002. He created the Psychosomatic consultation at the GHU La Pitié-Salpêtrière; it was located in the endocrinology department of Professor Eric Bruckert and in the center for the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. This consultation, which was open to all hospital departments, was attached to the Psychiatry Department headed by Professor Jean-François Allilaire. This consultation was in operation from 1993 to 2015.

He created first in Paris 8 in 2004 and then in Paris 6 in 2006 at the Faculty of Medicine of La Pitié-Salpêtrière (University of Paris 6, Pierre et Marie Curie) the "University Diploma of Integrative Psychosomatics, Psychoanalysis, Medicine and Neuroscience". He has conducted extensive research on occupational stress and its consequences on the health of managers as well as clinical and epidemiological psychosomatic research on somatic patients.

The different approaches:

Psychoanalytical approaches: predominance of the mind over the body:

Chicago School (F. Alexander);
School of Paris (Pierre Marty).

Neuro-psycho-physiological approaches:

At the dawn of medical history:

At the very beginning an intuition, there are links between the states of mind and the diseases:

Witch attacks, traditional therapies practiced by more than 400 peoples of the earth still today, miraculous healings, etc.

From time immemorial, human beings have assumed the influence of the mind on the body.

Global approach to diseases

Two great physicians are precursors of the psychosomatic approach: Hippocrates and Maimonides (Cordoba, 12th century). Heinroth, an Austrian internist and psychiatrist, introduced the terms "psychosomatic" in 1818 and "somatopsychic" in 1828:

The first term expresses the conviction of the influence of sexual passions on tuberculosis, epilepsy and cancer, the second applies to diseases where the bodily factor modifies the psychic state.

History of Psychosomatics, Course of Pr. Jean-Benjamin Stora

Historical explanation of the appearance of :

- psychosomatics

-theepistemological break brought by the integrative psychosomatics model.

Excerpt from the Integrative Psychosomatics course at the Faculty of Medicine.

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